Tuesday, November 15, 2011

If we are told there is no jobs in Britain, Then why are all the job fields taken up by non british people?

OK first of all im not racist xenophobic or ugly, so don't read on if that bothers you----- RECESSION RECESSION RECESSION That's all we hear---Why are most of the jobs in britain (including , catering, security, retail, construction, cleaning, any civil service, and customer care lines, being OVERTAKEN by foreigners, ie people who have not lived in this country for more than 1 year) then normal brits who are not multi billion corporation leaders, being told that there are NO JOBS and we are in a recession, most of the hard working true brits that i know are being told to hit the curb, because there are NO JOBS, im not surprised, there all taken by other nationalities that cant do the job to begin with, you know its right, whats your opinion, be as direct as you like i don't care, your probably not british.

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