Monday, November 14, 2011

Why continue the war on drugs?

it is very apparent that neither the u.s. or mexico are making any substantial impact on the cessation of drug trafficking. in fact, they have made it worse... over 30,000 mexican civilians have died this year alone as a result of declaring war against the cartels. theres a MUCH higher rate of illegal immigrants coming in through arizona and new mexico because of this. why blame them? i wouldnt want to live around that either. its good intentions i guess but its also complete naivity to think an industry that makes 30 billion a year could be stopped by a poverished country or even worse, the u.s. which has no jurisdiciton there and can only prosecute low level traffickers or dealers who cross the border. the war on drugs started with nixon and it has done little to curb the progression of distribuition. at the end of the day its just unrealistic to try and fight it. the cartel have alot more power then any government agency as you can tell by the growing number of crooked cops and politicians in mexico. what i'm saying is: find a new strategy of combating this or stop fighting the war!!!! all the dea agents, politicians, government officials, cops, fbi... all law enforcement are just making this worse because their strategies are completely useless.

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