Friday, November 11, 2011

I Need Your Opinion on Two Guys?

Okay, so me and my ex started dating in March, a week later he broke up with me for like one day than wanted me back, so I gave him a second chance. Sometime in April, some wanted too date him & I confronted him about it and he chose HER over ME. Next day at school he wanted me back and he told her that he didn't want to date her. We had a long cl together and I still had feelings for him so I gave him yet another chance. So after that our relationship was good and it got into summer and we were happy. Then one day he wanted to take a break because he was stressed out with family problems and so we did. Like a day later he fixed things with his family and we got back together. He promised not to do this again. About a month ago, not long after the first break, he spent the whole day with me acting perfectly normal. He didn't say a word to me or act weird. But that night over face book he broke up with me, he said he wanted a break for 3 weeks. Stupid me I told him I would wait for him. He promised he wasn't going too talk to other girls or date anyone else and that in 3 weeks he would want me back. He finally got his phone fixed and I talked too him, but on his Myspace he was talking too all these other girls and putting them in his top. Than he told the he was gonna date before when he was with me that me and him were over and he would love to "talk" to her. When I saw this I confronted him about it and he promised he wasn't gonna date her but when I told him too tell me if he wanted to be over for good all he could say was I don't know. So I told him to text me the next day and talk to me about this and he never did. We had been on a break for about a week now. So I just decided if he was gonna ignore me and lie and **** I was done with him. So than this guy that had liked me for a while was trying too talk to me and he was here for me through all of this. So we started talking and we are planning on dating. But the other night I was talking to him on face book when my ex IMs me and says we need too talk. It's been over 3 weeks by now. He says he is sorry & tells me he was doing weed and that he was high when he broke up with me. But before when we were together he promised me he wouldn't get back into weed. Apparently he did and he got into huge trouble for doing drugs. He also said he was talking to another girl but he isn't now. I know him smoking weed is no excuse for what he did too me. I asked him if he still had feelings for me and he said he did and asked me if I still had feelings for him. I let him have it saying that he ignored me for a month and what did he expect me to do. He said until I understood what I'm sorry means and what he was going through he wasn't going too talk to me. I told him I forgive him and that I can't completely understand what he was going through but he could of talked to me instead of breaking up with me. He also said he might be moving and not be going back to school with me. I told him we were still friends but I think he understood that I wasn't giving him another chance. But now I can't stop thinking about him, wondering if he would want me back, I'm not completely over him, it takes time, but the guy I'm talking to his really great, but its just another person that I have to open up to. And Ive wished so much that my ex would want me back. So whats your opinion, what do you think I should do. Should I tell my ex how I feel and see if we can get back together. Or should I go with the guy I'm talking too, I like him a whole lot, but I still have feelings for my ex. What do you think?

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