Monday, November 7, 2011

Question about my cycle. Need some opinions?

I had that before and the more i got excited about it the later my period was. I ended up being 2 weeks late with like 5 negative tests and it turns out i didn't ovulate but i had the exact same symptoms as you are describing. When i actually did become pregnant i had a string of blood in my CM the day after i ovulated which may have been implantation bleeding. I mean very early symptoms are basically period like symptoms and every pregnancy is different but when i became pregnant with my daughter i had the lower back cramps and stomach cramps increased urination which is a very common one also my hurt really bad and i was tired more often and that was when i was 2 to 3 weeks pregnant. I found out at 4 weeks and at about 7 weeks i got morning sickness. Well i'm sending you lots of baby dust that your test turns out positive!! i'm ttc #2 and am on CD 16.. keeping my fingers crossed!!

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