Friday, November 11, 2011

With a Greek trady looming, can the EU continue the way it is?

The EU is a monster that has raced far beyond the sanction of the original member states, and far beyond its own capabilities. The sooner it collapses the better for all. Germany is once again the most powerfull country in Europe, and holds the future of the EU and the euro, in its hands. Ad the resentment of that ,among the member states, to the m and uncontrolled Islamic invasion into Europe, and you have more potential for war than there ever has been....... The EU is a quietly insane, corrupt and socially corrosive nightmare. Millions of people have had their children's future d and pillaged to feed the greed driven unaccountable few. All member country's have been forced to dis own their own culture, and deny their own history to accommodate this multi cultural nightmare. I will personally drink to the foul monsters destruction. The sooner the better.

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