Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Why are they allowed to get away with it?

They really need a hug! Why protest something that is an optional holiday? What is the point? I would have liked to know more about the group.

Bank claims I am "Structuring"? I need advice?

You need to go speak with your branch manager,and you will need to bring your paperwork from your accountant.

Is Buddhism the most peaceful religion?

As far as I know the only government who actually adhered to the principles of buddhism was that of the Indian ruler Asoka. Even under the early dali lamas Tibet was an aggressive expansive state. Burma, vietnam and cambodia were aggressive empire building states. Burma today is a despotic military autocracy, its leaders are nominally buddhist, but still persecute non buddhist minorities. Sri Lanka is embroiled in a bloody civil war against its hindu and muslim minorities. The ideology may be peaceful, but when it comes down to it buddhists are still people and act like every other person: imperfectly.

Am I the only one who HATES halloween?

Well, if you don't want to answer the door, just set the bowl of candy out on your doorstep and let the kids take a handful when they come.

Do you remember this MATH show from the 80's..i think it was on TVOntario...?

It wasn't a sketch...it's the series "Math Patrol" (which is really from 1976-78)...and the guy was Sidney (who got the kangaroo suit in he first place because it was the only thing they had that fit him).

Need help to make sense of this disturbing moment? (I'm not trollin'...srsly)?

You realized the fact that what we think is reality is actually filtered through our limited apparatus of sense perceptions, and you had a glimpse of reality from a more universal perspective that wasn't affected by our conditioning. It can be unsettling, but it is closer to the truth than your ordinary perceptions.

If we are told there is no jobs in Britain, Then why are all the job fields taken up by non british people?

OK first of all im not racist xenophobic or ugly, so don't read on if that bothers you----- RECESSION RECESSION RECESSION That's all we hear---Why are most of the jobs in britain (including , catering, security, retail, construction, cleaning, any civil service, and customer care lines, being OVERTAKEN by foreigners, ie people who have not lived in this country for more than 1 year) then normal brits who are not multi billion corporation leaders, being told that there are NO JOBS and we are in a recession, most of the hard working true brits that i know are being told to hit the curb, because there are NO JOBS, im not surprised, there all taken by other nationalities that cant do the job to begin with, you know its right, whats your opinion, be as direct as you like i don't care, your probably not british.

I have an invention. What to do next?

I have an idea tha I know will sell. What do I do next? I've heard of these companys to send your ideas to but I'm also aware that some of these companys just take your ideas and cut you out of the deal. What is a good reliable company I should send my idea to and if there is not one what should I do next? Do I need to make a promo of my Idea? What if I don't know how to make a promo? How should I go about this? Help please!

Where can i buy the Uruguay vs. Costa Rica game on Cable Vision in Morris County NJ?

Just watch online? You'll get the Costa Rica v Uruguay game live at a href="http://www.livefoottreams.net" rel="nofollow"http://www.livefoottreams.net/a

Starter Repair cost for honda Prelude 99?

The car was fine in the morning, I went out and the 2nd time it did not want to turn on, lights were on and everything it was like a click sound when I pushed the keys to start the car, One guy told me hit the estarter with a hummer and it worked, but not for so long, I went to the store and then again, I tried to hit it with the hummer it did not worked out this time I did it several times but no luck, I guess I need to replace the starter.

Which cellphone should I get?

I phone its everything in one internet ipod phone and text and tons more it is the BEST PHONE EVER!!!

May I ask ONLY the God-believers a question about grieving?

If you believe in God and heaven then why would you grieve for a person unless you knew they were going to hell?

Is it not a fact that not all who claim to be "Christian" will attain heaven?

Claiming to be Christian does not get you into heaven. Too many people say I accepted Jesus as my personal savior, so I am going to Heaven. This is not even taught in scripture.

Why is it wrong to have with an animal?

Not that I want to, but just wondering why people think it's so wrong, and why it is illegal. I mean, for example, if there was a cw about to be slaughtered for meat, why not give it a little special goodbye, if you felt like it? Who's going to get hurt?

Could someone help me come up with an equation for sulphric acid and hydrochloric acid and balance it?

Im doing titratioins i have to titrate hydrochloric acid and sulphuric acid but i can seems to find the reactants on any web sites, if you cant balance it then thats ok i'll see if i can do it myself

Imtrying to find out what year my mercury outboard is, its a 50 hp 4 cylinder sn 1509760 by kiekhaefer corp?

i have a 50 hp mercury outboard engine sn 1509760 4 cylinder single lever full-gear shift made by kiekhaefer corp cedarburg wisconsin

Whats the formula,protons,neutrons, electrons and atomic m for the isotope of beryllium?

whats the formula,protons,neutrons, electrons and atomic m for the isotope of beryllium? it's due tomorro! please ! answer

Great storyline, my 7th one!! How do you like it?

So, Gail Kim and Melina would put on great matches together!! So they have a feud and at Judgement Day Melina retains against Gail Kim. Later thayt night it's John Morrison vs. Rey Msyterio for the IC title and Rey's about to win but Melina comes out and sweeps him off the apron turning her heel and than she hides, lets Morrison bring Rey in and have Morrison win. Melina and Morrison can get back toether and than on the new "Dirt Sheet" Melina and Morrison reveal they're back together and reveal that Gail Kim and Rey had a secret realtionship... so You have Gail Kim and Rey Mysterio vs. Melina and Morrison. This can work. It may seem like a repeated Glamerella vs. Kofi-Mickie but this one all four can compete (e.g. Santino Marella didn't compete last time)... this isn't my best storyline... but what do you guys think?

How to install RDRAM?

I have a motherboard with two RDRAM slots. Can i put one RDRAM module in the 1st slot and put a terminator in the 2nd slot?

I spilled lemonade on my carpet, after cleaning the stain reappears as a brown stain a few days later.?

It is like the stain has oxidized and turns brown. I called the manufacturer of the lemonade and it is just citric acid, sugar and lemon juice. I was having some construction down a few days after the big spill (I fell down the stairs) and thought I would leave the stain to clean it after the construction, so it was left about a month. The construction mess cleaned up but the lemonade keeps coming back, thanks for your help!

Has anyone been scammed by callers pretending to be a Policeman selling advertising space in bogus magazines?

I have had several calls of this naure to my business number and the implication is that the caller is a Police Officer trying to sell you/your business advertising space in crime prevention brochures and magazines that don't actually exist. The thing is, you are led to believe you are doing a good turn by supporting the Police Force when, in actual fact, the money is simply pocketed by these people.

Why do some feminists think by denying the scarlet label "feminist" they're not feminists?

It's easy to spot a feminist. If the theme of that person's questions and answers is women are pure and incapable of doing wrong and all men are bad and all men are to blame for all wrongs, then you spotted a feminist. Regardless if that person wears the scarlet label "feminist" or not, that person is a feminist.

Curious about statistical data regarding pedophilia and LGBT poeple.?

I am a MTF transual female and identify as . Have not started hormones yet and have been living nearly full-time female for about a week. I have court coming up in a few months and I know my ex is going to try again to take away my parental rights. Now my ex has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder, on the other hand. I know she's gonna argue in court that I'm a sick perverted pedophile because I am transual and bi. I'm wondering if anyone knows where I can find some statistics regarding the types of people who practice pedophilia (LGBT vs straight, % of people with bipolar disorder and/or borderline personality disorder, a breakdown of all pedophiles and how many are actually gay?... that kinda stuff) I've read before that 95% of pedophiles are adult, heteroual males, but that's all I've heard on this. I want to be able to defend myself if this comes up in court.

Is brett favre going to play next season for the vikings ?

i would like to know cuz i played madden 10 and favre wasnt the qb for the vikings there was another player i think it was #7

How can i repair my spaceship?

Dude get with the times NO one uses Nuclear positron injectors anymore - Go with anti matter - or spend the BIG bucks and get a personal singularity ,, yea its expensive and youll most likely have to replace your magnetic constriction coils but the upgrade is well worth it - uming your warp manifolds can take the added juice.

Which astrology would go with me in a romantic compatibility?

Hmmm.... As a sun in Scorpio and Gemini, you mostly have the mixed qualities of a Gemini's communicable, flirtacious and explorative side, and also the powerful, intense, dramatic traits of a Scorpio... The perfect fit for you would definitely be Aries, Pisces, Leo, or Aquarius. :-)

How do they compare martin luthe king and cesar chavez?

how does MARTIN luther king jr and cesar chavez compare to each other i need a long paragraph pleas thank.

What does the Reduced Shakespeare Company's sonnet card say?

I have see the RSC's the COmplete works of William shakespeare a million times. eveytime it comes to the part where they get to the sonnets i am always thinking the same thing: What does the Card say? It has been bugging me for ever. HELP ME!!!

Belly on Piercings?

I had mine numbed so I didn't feel it and it just ached for a bit after. You have to clean it everyday so it doesn't get infected.

What is Mitt Romney's net worth?

He is a billionaire allright.He is worth around 300 millions but all came with his hard work,smart deal making and his education but not like arrogant Donald trump's way of dealing with poor competitors,bribing and buying his way through.Donald Trump think he can buy anything like he was buying pretty models from Russia or from those undevelopped countries.Trump was lucky to am wealth to buy the right people to work for him but he sure can't run a 7-Eleven if you saw him personnally.Mitt worth is purely done by his intelligence.

My brand new team for pokemon diamond?

i think its great team and you should test it and battle some people. And if you trained all of them without cheating then i really congrats you!

Does anyone else see a pattern developing here? Iran, nuclear weapons. Latest AI report

Amazing, the only country in the world that has used nuclear weapons doesn't want anyone else to have them!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Life expectancy for a person with laryngeal cancer stage 3?

It depends on many factors. At stage 3, its potentially curable. But your uncle may have other factors that are hurting his chances.

Sony Ericsson W580i MCR Themes? Or others?

Does anyone know of a good My Chemical Romance theme for this phone? Or any other cool theme? [i hate labels], but kinda emoish?

Was this an Awkward situation or is she gay?

It all started at lunch when I was eating my lunch with my buddies when all the sudden my crush appeared at the table where she normally eats. All was fine, until I came over to her when a few people were around and I told her that I liked her straight up without hanging out with her because of her sincere hugs that she gives me on occasions. She then said "this is awkward", and we walked towards our clrooms; something bothered me though. I thought, "why would she think that a guy saying that they like her is awkward?" Then I started to think of all the possiblities like she may be gay or she's just not used to guys being straightforward. Do you have any idea why she felt awkward. This was in highschool by the way, and neither of us expected a long term relationship till college. So have any ideas?

Does anyone know how to hypnotize someone?

We would like to know how to hypnotize someone so that they may do crazy things on command such as bark like a dog when a bell is rang and such. If anyone knows how to put someone under will you please email me the answer.

Are there pre schools for 3 year olds in ciudad del carmen in campeche, mexico?

We are being transferred to Ciudad del Carmen in Campeche, Mexico and I cannot find any information on pre schools on the internet.

Is this a y/hot otlfit?

ooooooh no. the shirt is verrryy ugly. and you NEVER wear uggs with short. what are you thinking? UGGs are UGly. they are made for comfort in the winter. when you are very tired and lazy. not in the summer when you are trying to look y. seriously what are you thinking?? this outfit would look very slutty.

Part of Chapter 1 for my novel, what do you think?

It was good. I also want to read more. I hope you have got good story. because I think your writing skill is good and if you have good story it would be great. i want to read more email me the whole story Y_nirav@yahoo.com

Unbelievers and scoffers... will you take a moment to ponder this question?

Hey if I'm wrong I'm wrong. There won't be anything I can do about it. But as far as i'm concerned right now, what I believe is what I believe. I've looked in a lot of places for the "truth" and have found nothing or numerous contradictions. So I choose to believe that there is more to search for.

Oil has just dropped below 90 dollars a barrel will home heating prices drop now from these highs?

I am on fixed propane price and was wondering if even people locked into high oil prices are going back to the bargaining table to lower their prices? I am sure it will go back up for the winter but it is diving now.

Why does the EU want more money when 90% of the EU budget is 'materially affected by irregularities?

the department of useless expenditure and straight bananas (the eu) needs money to make sure polish farmers have enough money to grow square turnips using genetically modified compounds to give a high yield per metre sq. were just a prop for eastern europe and if the eu can think of stupid ways of screwing more money from the west theyll do it.

Why is more than half our discretionary spending is for defense every year?

Is it so the military industrial complex can make big bucks at the expensive of thousands of Iraqi, Afghani, and American people's lives?

Simple maths ques:If AB is perpendicular to CD...?

Ab is perpendicular to CD.B is mid pt. of CD.So I take a point X on AB that it is before B.So the line is AXB.Now,is AX also perpendicular to CD?AX does not touch CD.But AXB is perpendicular to CD.IS AX perpendicular to CD?Thanks

I am dressing up as Lola Lofnangle for Halloween and I can't find an outfit anywhere!

I do have a wig. I am going for either the look where she is wearing the hot pink wig and the guitar shirt (don't know what episode but I do know it is at the end of the episode!) or the one when she is about to take the embarrasing pic of hannah so that hannah can get the z phone (don't stop 'til u det the phone)

New windows 7 computer?

hey guys, i just got a new windows 7 computer and its like fully new, i don't know if it has direct x in already and i want to play my old games like far cry 1 and quake 4, quake 4 comes with direct X9c after when u install quake 4 it asks u if u want to install direct x9c, should i click yes? what if i have direct x10 or something like that and i installed a lower directx, what will happen, please help me out here.

What seating section is it where you're behind the commentators in WWE?

Depends on what arena. It will be the ringside price. It helps when you buy your ticket online, look at the set up of the arena. Find where the ramp the superstars enter from will be, then pick the one opposite to it. I'd much rather have a front row seat next to the ramp. I still have the dream where John Morrison gives me his sungles, like that will ever happen. :) Unless a superstar is commentating on a match, I'd still pick ramp seats.

Hazy Freshwater Aquarium?

I have a 60 gallon Freshwater tropical aquarium stocked with a pleco 3 tequila sunrise guppies 3 adult mollies 5 baby mollies and an upside down catfish. tank has been doing fine for almost 4 months temp ranging from 79-80 F PH constant 7.2 ammonia never higher than 0.20. during the most recent filter change i noticed the water got cloudy white i tested the lvls all was good so i let it be, after two days i removed activated carbon and added clifier tablets as per instructions on box great fun fizzed and turned water purple, when purple subsided there is a greenish yellowish haze now, levels are still fine including nitrites and nitrates, also no live plant life only plastic plz advise :)

Why continue the war on drugs?

it is very apparent that neither the u.s. or mexico are making any substantial impact on the cessation of drug trafficking. in fact, they have made it worse... over 30,000 mexican civilians have died this year alone as a result of declaring war against the cartels. theres a MUCH higher rate of illegal immigrants coming in through arizona and new mexico because of this. why blame them? i wouldnt want to live around that either. its good intentions i guess but its also complete naivity to think an industry that makes 30 billion a year could be stopped by a poverished country or even worse, the u.s. which has no jurisdiciton there and can only prosecute low level traffickers or dealers who cross the border. the war on drugs started with nixon and it has done little to curb the progression of distribuition. at the end of the day its just unrealistic to try and fight it. the cartel have alot more power then any government agency as you can tell by the growing number of crooked cops and politicians in mexico. what i'm saying is: find a new strategy of combating this or stop fighting the war!!!! all the dea agents, politicians, government officials, cops, fbi... all law enforcement are just making this worse because their strategies are completely useless.

Do you find that you are so busy doing very serious and important activities?

That you sometimes ignore your 'friends' and then they get mad and then they ignore you and then you just say 'F' it and go get some new friends? Or do you generally not have any friends because you are ugly, mildly (if not morbidly) obese and lack the intellect to keep up with the crowd, or have so many babies that you don't 'have the time' but in fact are just to lazy to get up and get out. You're all full of excuses and 'no one cares anyway?' Damn straight no one cares!

I need some good thrillers to watch?

I love horror, but I've been watching too much of the straight gory ones. I want something that is really scary, but with a lot of suspence and thriller. Something to keep me on the edge of my seat, while still being horror-just not pointless/predictable bloodbath horror. ty. best list gets easy 10 points.

Dell Studio 17 Graphics Card?

Diablo III is going to have relatively low system requirements. Oblivion scales well with different graphical settings. You should be fine.

Did giving women the vote lead to the advent of the welfare state?

I don't necessarily believe this myself, but I did hear this observation made recently, and would like some input.

1972 Plymouth Valiant suspension drop?

In the front, you can back off on the torsion bars. On the rear, you can have the leaf springs modified.

I think I acquired/caught/got a bad breath from kissing a guy. Is this possible?

Ok I kissed a guy(my first ever kiss unfortunately)..I deep-kissed him like an hour..I sucked his tongue, he did likewise..it was fun..after 2 days I noticed a foul smell in side my mouth (in my throat to be specific). So what I did is use a tongue cleaner immediately, flossed, gargle listerine with added hydrogen peroxide, brushed my teeth thoroughly...while using the tongue cleaner, I noticed a yellowish slime whenever I use tongue cleaner...Its been two months now, its still there..whenever I swallow my breath I can smell/taste it. I asked my sister and friend if I have a bad breath and they said I dont. But why do I smell/taste something foul coming from my throat? Could it be that I caught Epstein-Barr virus or some sort of STD? or did I develop a tongue/throat/mouth ulcer from over cleaning my tongue? I dont smoke either and Im a very hygienic person. What could it be?

Brett Favre Wranglers jeans commercial!!!!?

no, because he is a selfish hick who can throw a football, and thinks that the real packer fans support him, while playing for a team thats sole goal in football is to beat the packers, because if they don't the season is a failure. Go Pack GO!!!!!!!!!! **** Judas Favre

Do I need a bibliography?

Using MLA format, do I need a bibliography or footnotes if I include the title and page of the source used in my paper?

Chemistry question ..........?

the mercury level on the container side of manometer is 47mmHg lower than the level on the open side. you have measured the atmospheric pressure using a barometer and it is 771mmHg. what is the pressure of the gas in the container in atm???

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Do Huspanics have something against south asians?

I am south asian, and I was wondering is hispanics hate sout asians I come from a place where there are a lot of south asians and hispanics, and they always seem to beat us up for absolutely no reason, other than because we are south asian. Now, of course I have hispanic friends, and im not saying all of them are like that. just wondering, what do you think fo SOUTH asians. Not northern asians like chinese, japanese, etc. Im talkin south like pakistan, bangladesh, etc.

ume it is Monday, May 1, the first business day of the month and you have?

If you look at the examples in your book and use an excel sheet to work your problems you can get through it quickly.

Hello;; make me three outfits please?

a href="http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=2795008" rel="nofollow"http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=27950…/a

Am I being unreasonable?

My ex and I have been divorced for almost 6 years. Our children are now 16, 14, and 12. In that time, I have paid for everything. I carry the insurance on our children as well as pay all the out of pocket expenses. Our divorce decree states that he is required to but he doesn't so I have to, so the doctors will continue to care for our children. I have even showed them the decree that states this but they all tell me its a civil matter and they can't get involved. They require payment so I would just have to get a lawyer to sue him for contempt which I don't have the money to do. I have paid for all the gles, contacts, braces, and medicines. Our youngest child has epilepsy pretty severe, takes medicine twice a day, and sees a specialist every 3 months, so this gets pretty expensive even with insurance. He is also supposed to pay a total of $396.00 a month in child support, which I rarely ever get. I haven't gotten a dime since March. I pay all the fees for athletics and buy all the shoes, equipment, etc. I also give each child $20.00 a week for school lunch which doesn't sound like alot but by the end of the month comes to over $200.00. I recognize they are my children and my responsibility, but they are also his. So today I asked him if he could help buy school clothes this year and he completely went off on me. He said that the only thing he was obligated to pay was the 396, (which after the lunches leaves me about 150 for all the other necessities like food, shelter, electricity). I feel like he should help pay. Starting school is a huge expense especially given that they have all grown so much. So am I wrong to think he should help pay for school clothes?

Should kris boyd just join celtic???

i mean if he canny get a game in front of they 2 yeaterday,u r having a giraffe.boyd wid be good a t celtic dont u think

Would you try to help her, or would you walk away?

Say a woman has a bad past with a history of ual ault and abuse and is all messed up and emotional, on the brink of a breakdown.. would you leave her, or try to help her? ..if she wanted you to

How do you post a video as a bulletin on myspace?

I got this rly funny video and i dnt know how to post it on myspace..i want to put it as a bulletin...plz hlp!

What do I do with paper backed quilt pieces?

My mom use to sew scrap material to tv guide size pages of paper with the intention of one day making a quilt. Now that she has died. I have these quilt pieces and would like to make a quilt with them. They are approx. 4X6 inches. I have ironed them and trimmed them, but I do not know what to do with the paper backing. I am afraid of removing it, it may break the threads. I was told that in the old days, quilts were sewn together with the paper in tact. Is this so? How do I make a quilt out of these scraps? Please help!

Why do some people handle "popularity" differently than others?

Who cares? How do YOU handle it? Your Q is catty in the backhanded stereotypical female extreme. Who are you to judge her? How do you know what movie stars are actually like anyway? If you met them and they asked you to hang out you would grovel and brag to all your "friends". Tend to your own knitting as they used to say. What goes around comes around.

Whats the worst tattoo you ever saw or got?

You should check out the website www.ugliesttattoos.com. That site will have you shaking your head. I think the worst one I saw personally was while I was waiting for my artist to free up at the tat shop. A lady with a mullet was getting a big confederate flag on her forearm. This was in Kansas, which isn't even a southern state!

Should we free Canada?

I read a summary on Canada's history, which got me thinking. Should the US free the Canadians from their oppressive British regime? They are still a commonwealth nation, and its leaders are still the British monarchy. Any bill ped must be signed by the Governer General, who is the Queen's representative in Canada. They have a brutal regime and they want it changed. It wouldn't be a bad idea to free our neighbors to the north. Plus, they have an abundance of oil in their tar sands.

I need advice (kind of long) about me going to the same school my ex-ish does?

If you like him then you should try to fix things with him. Just go up and talk to him and tell him your sorry and that you do like him, alot im guessing.

Should I buy this snowboard?

My co worker is selling me a sims for $20.00 for just the board. He says its a good starter and a good size for me. Ive heard good and bad things from sims so help me out is it a good deal or a bad deal..

Is the pentagon using our soldiers as gunea pigs?

a href="http://www.totalinjury.com/article-chantix-side-effects-and-post-traumatic-stress-disorder.asp" rel="nofollow"http://www.totalinjury.com/article-chant…/a

Predict the precipitate that forms when aqueous solutions of silver nitrate and potium chloride react?

they react to form products in a double replacement reaction. how do you write the complete chemical equation also?

Fish problems, guppys and gourami?

in my brothers tank he has had a guppy die, and one more on the brink of death. A Gourami i gave him now has a face that went from white to black, hes not to active anymore either.

Why didnt Jesus come back in the year 2000?

Since Jesus did not come back when he was supposed too.... Wouldnt that mean that christianity is a false religion. If the world ends in the year 2012 (like many christians now claim) wouldnt that prove that the mayan and aztec religions are the true relgions and christianity is fake...?

A very very old Clue board game?

I have this extremely old Clue board game from my step dad. His other kids are a lot older than me and they used to play this exact board game all the time. I found it in the garage tapped closed. He told me he tapped it shut because his was moving and didn't want the pieces to fall out. It has been tapped shut for 10 years. I opened it, probably two years ago, to play with my friends. It is not an original but I could guess it was not only very close but maybe even the second version of this American version of Cluedo. I has a Lounge, Hall, Study, Dining Room, Kitchen, Ball Room, Conservatory, Billiard Room, and Library. It is just the normal Clue, no extra rooms, people, or weapons. I was looking at it today and was trying to find an answer. It has four Secret Pages. It has two Secret Page cards and four Treasure cards. I read and read the instructions but never found any information about the cards, just the Secret Pages on the board. I don't get it! I thought the cards are in the wrong game box but it says Clue many times on the back. Hmm... Do you guys know anything about the cards or the version? I would love to know! I spent awhile looking up information and pictures but I couldn't find it anywhere. The cover has Mrs. Pea sitting in a chair, Miss Scarlet smoking and kind of lying in a chair, Prof. Plum reading a book and smoking a pipe, Mrs. White hiding behind the curtain, looking VERY guilty, Col. Mustard looking at something on the fireplace, and Mr. Green sitting in a chair with a cigar looking very surprised. The box cover is pretty faded and has a white stripe on the top of the picture saying Clue. So back to my question, do you know the version and what the cards of the Treasure and the Secret Pages are for? Thanks!

Which event should I attend?

My half sister's other half sister is getting married on November 21. I spent a small part of my childhood (as in maybe a year when I was 5 and she was 3) with this girl, but haven't kept in touch for years upon years. I barely know her in all reality. However, for some reason I was invited and my half sister expects me to go. Well at the exact same time and day we are having our family's Thanksgiving dinner. I happen to be pregnant and am due in March, so I umed my aunts and cousins would be wanting to talk about having my baby shower (which would presumably be in January) while we are all there to synchronize schedules. This is my first baby, so we really need to have the baby shower planned because we can't afford all these new things. And this is also first baby to be born in our family for almost 10 years, so everyone is very excited about seeing me pregnant and planning a baby shower. Our family rarely gets together and I think its important to visit with them for Thanksgiving rather than going to my half sister's half sister's wedding. But I don't know if that is the right thing to do. I mean she only gets married once. But then again, I'm not sure how many other babies I will have either, this may be it for me. I don't want to be selfish, but I feel torn in whether I should sacrifice for a girl I barely know, who probably won't care or notice if I don't show. I need some advice.

What should i wear to my banquet?

i am going to a banquet soon and i am wearing a black dress with a vneck that goes a little bit above mid thigh and a grey cardigan with black tighs and i dont know whether to wear my black boots that go to mid calve or my black rocket dog flats . please help me! thanks

Love triangle:Richie Sambora, Heather Locklear, Denise Richards?

What exactly happened with Richie and Heather? I know that Richie and Denise are dating. But why did heather and richie get divorced? Was it because of Denise?

Which Obama do you want as president?

I don't want neither Obama as president. I want the McCain of 2000. But since I can't get that, I will settle for the McCain of 2008.

Does anyone have a Babies R Us Coupon?

I am looking for a printable version of a coupon or a link for Babies R Us 10% off convertible car seats.

Does Mark Teixeira use steroids?

I don't think he uses them right now, but there's probably a good chance that he used them when he first came to the league.

Why am I always deppresed could it be because of past problems?

HI all the time I am feeling depressed when I was younger I had some troubles since abut 8 yrs old and were there till about twelve but this year and the last I am always sad and moody could it be because of the past experience or something.else

Trigonometry table???????????????????

where can i find a table for trig, the basic one with 30 60 90 45 0, with tan cos csc... please help

Where is the liberal outrage of wasting tax payers dollars and an enormous carbon footprint?

Con rep here. Sorry, but that's one reason we pay federal taxes. It is his job. He is the most powerful man on the planet. I wouldn't mind if we bought hookers for him, as long as he took care of the US. I just don't like his policies.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Ionic compound or covalent compound?

some white solid crystals are dissolved in water. if the solution does not conduct an electric current. is the solid an ionic compound or a covalent compound?explain.

Do you think Fred Claus is a greatly under-appreciated movie?

I actually really enjoyed the film. The plot line was good, the acting was good; people just couldn't get over the fact that it was a Christmas movie.

Can the economy survive the coming oil crisis?

Obama has given Iran x number of days to begin cooperating with the UN on their nuclear program or they will have sanctions placed on them, Israel say's we should stop all refined petroleum produts from entering Iran, Iran has oil but little refining capacity, Iran say's if we place sanctions they will cut off all oil too the western world. Now if this scenario happens, oil will go too incredible prices, and the super great depression will happen. Unless we are ready with alternatives too oil, such as electric cars, bio-fuels, vegetable oil based plastics. Many things are made from oil and we don't make enough oil, we have a lot of oil in the USA, some is hard too get too and it will take time too develop and their is natural gas which we have a tremendous amount of. The point is, oil and the middle east could cause us alot of trouble, potentially crashing the economy beyond bad, especially if war happens with Iran, so we better get prepared.

Why's my baby quiet most of the time?

Im a first time mom at mid 20's and my baby is one year old now and 2 mos, and im wondering why he's quiet most of the time. Is this normal? well, he cries when he needs milk and changing diapers, and after that he sleeps again. It's very difficult to make him smile and when he smiles, you have to wait for a long time to see him smiling again. He doesn't display a lot of reactions like other babies do (a lot of babytalk, cries a lot, laugh and smiles often, move a lot, responds to music a lot etc.) One time he shook his head to the music and i was happy seeing him enjoying. But he's seldom doing that now. Im worrying if there is something wrong with the emotions of my baby because i was having a hard time all throughout my pregnancy. I went though a lot of depressions. I don't know much about babies. Can you educate me on this? He's always quiet most of the time and i think he is shy.

Which of these two NBA allstar teams would win?

Team 2 is obviously of all star caliber, but you should replace Shaq with Yao at Center, and I think the starting lineups would still be pretty much in Team #2's favor. However, team 2 has a bogus bench compared to team 1's, so I think it's a pretty close game but team 2 comes out simply because Lebron and Kobe.

If the antichrist refuses to become antichrist does he have the power to throw down satan for another eon?

Lol what if no one wants to be the Antichrist? Satan's outta luck and Jesus is going to be pretty tired.

Why is my boyfriend acting different?

Ok so we have been going out for close to a month, but he has liked me for quite a while. Well before school ended he finally started telling people about us, and he was like all over me the last two days of school. The last day he went out of his way to walk with me to my car, he said it was because this is the last walk he could have with his girlfriend. Aww :) well we text all the time, give or take a day or two, well he hasnt texted me in 2 days goin on 3. The last conversation we had he told me to promise not to go out with anyone else over the summer, he said he promised not to either. Then he said he was sad cuz he couldn't see his baby anymore. (thts me) and stuff like that. Well last night he texted me: hey beautiful and I answered: aww:) hey:) but he never replied nor has he texted me today..hmm why do u think? Should I be worried? Thanks :)

Interesting/Fun book for almost 7y/o girl??

My daughter is starting to dislike reading due to all the "baby" books they give her in school. I think she may be a bit young for Judy Blume books but I want to find something similar yet age appropriate. She would be interested in reading about girls/kids her age going thru the everyday life. Any suggestions?

Do anyone know where I can buy TexPro CAD software?

a href="http://softwaresolutions.fibre2fashion.com/company/young-woo-cnl/productdetail.aspx?refno=1517" rel="nofollow"http://softwaresolutions.fibre2fashion.c…/a

Why does a a guy look away when i look back at him?

i was thinking abt something as i walked along the corridor...when i looked up i saw this guy looking at me but he quickly turned his head away and keep looking away as he walked by me...it's rather awkward...why is he doing this?

Kyle Boller... what have they done to you?

Not enough playing time is my only guess. The rams run the ball about 75 percent of the time and he is just a backup so he may be rusty (very rusty)

Christians what do you think of the Rev. Manning?

do you think ANY preacher should say the things this man says about other preachers,such as calling T.D. Jakes a homewrecker of Paula and Randy White or calling Creflo Dollar a pimp..i was just looking at some of his youtubes and they are downright mean

Are the names of television episodes trademarked or copyrighted?

I want to use the episode name of the television show How I Met Your Mother, "the pineapple incident" as a music mixtape name. Am I able to do this legally? Are television episodes free, legal, and ok for anybody to use daily in the United States without any legal problems? thanks

Dubya, Nixon, Regan, or Harding?

Which one of these failures sets the standard as the worst president ever? Do you find it coincidental that the worst presidents are Republicans?

What r some good techno bands?

hey, i'm just starting to get into techno and dubstep and i don't know many good groups, i like pendulum, deadmau5, and the prodigy. any other good ones?

Will all these computer parts work and fit?

That should be fine. You will have quite a bit of room in the case. There are only 2 SATA power cords on that power supply, though. Your mb will support 4 SATA and one eSATA.

If I become an Athiest, does that mean I automatically become a Scientific Scholar?

Hmmm...so...you're saying that atheists are scientifically well informed? That's more credit than I would have given myself. By the way, I'm an atheist and I've never owned a car. Or rented one. Also, making fun of someone's name and the entirety of the Jewish world (...lastest facts from John Jewart,..) doesn't reflect well on you. Or maybe it does, I don't afterall, know you all that well. Anti-semitism may be a step up for you.

Quick survay?

do you talk about black history month in your school ? write the name of the school and if you talk about black history month yes or no ..................... me poe middle school no

I can't remember the name of a tv show I watched a while ago.?

There was this tv Show, i THINK it was presented by Paddy McGuiness. It was a countdown of the 50 Worst red cards, or fouls, or something like that. Number 1 was Mike Tyson biting the ear, and there was that Roy Keane tackle against Man City, and obviously Zidanes head as well. If you don't have a clue what I'm talking about then thats fine but if you remember watching a show like that please tell me. It was on sky1 as I recall. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjsASf5z9ac that is a clip from the show.

Why are the people in some countries generally more fashionable than others?

People in Italy for example dress extreamly well wereas people in the U.K genrally have no taste. Is it in their genes or maybe upbringing? I'm not a racist / facist / bigot - this is a bit of fun.

Was america founded as a Christian nation?

Nope. It was founded on political ideas that came from the Enlightenment, which actually broke from Christianity in many ways. Enlightenment thinkers valued reason, provable science, and rationality over faith--these thinkers include Franklin, Adams, Jefferson, and many others of our Founding Fathers! Of course, a lot of these Founding Fathers were Christians as well, but the idea was always that all religions would be welcome, and that Christianity would not be the main one. In fact, the "freedom of religion" part of the Constitution means that Christianity is equal to all other religions in America, and to no religion too. It's fashionable now to think that America was founded on "Christian values," but those same values (equality, freedom, loving your neighbor, etc.) show up in other religions and philosophies just as much as in Christianity.

I have a Korn rock band original demo fully autographed and never before heard songs.What's it worth?

Found it at A thrift store for $1.00. never will sell but just wondering how much it's worth.does anyone know?

Confused. Help me please. 10 points?

--> I wouldnt consider it flirting your just telling him you had a good time. and maybe he just is busy to respond , didnt even see it or just figured it was the end of the convo dont think too much into it

Friday, November 11, 2011

How to meet new people my age on a holiday?? help!!?

I am probably going to Dubai this fall and then austria this winter, im a 13 year old shy girl, im tired of just walkin around with my mom i wanna meet new people my age when i go to Dubai, how am i supposed to do this?? how do i know who to come up to?? should i try talking to random kids at the hotel or sumthin?? please help!!!

Can u give information about cubicmt to kg conversion value for industrial gases like CO2, O2,argon etc?

And how to measure the gas content in cylinder - like 14 kgs or 15 kgs etc.Nowadays, LPG gas cylinder comes in semi-tampered condition sometimes.

Please help me rephrase/ rewrite this quote,?

"in life we wait till its our turn to get what we want, sometimes we cant wait and take the shortcut, we take that risk, we might get hurt or we might survive"

Are there any grammatical/spelling mistakes in this?

Mi Abuelo Michal era de Odessa,Ukraine. Era muy simpatico y trabajadora mucho para el famil�a. Ten�a mucho amigos y familia que se cuidaban a el. Ten�a tres ni�os y cinco nietos. Cuando el ten�a cincuenta y ocho, el rec�bio leucemia y dos a�os despues esta, se muerte en el hospital.

Is there anything good about the name Gretchen?

When I see "Gretchen" I think of a trailer-trash with 15 dirty-kneed illiterate children. I also think of "retching" which is what I would be doing if someone had named me that. It also looks sort of like "REGRET" which is what anyone would have if named this. Sorry, I couldn't say anything good about the name :( I know that was what you were aiming for but I honestly can't find anything good either. I'm with you on this.

Problem with remote eye on bedroom tv from sky?

Have you checked whether it has batteries that may have either run out or worked loose these things can happen if it gets its power from something else check there to see if it has worked loose or come adrift hope this helps

What is the message of shakespeares sonet 116?

For my english homework i have to write 6 lines or a paragraph on the message of shakespeares sonnet 116 and if it's fits into today's modern society

How do i go about starting my own advertising company?

i have some good , new ideas how how to advertise for companys and i would like some advice on how to get started. ive never done anybuissness training as im a foundry worker.

I can't think clearly?

it feels like looking through a haze. If I try to picture something, i can't do it. If I'm watching a movie, its like i'm looking straight at it but my attention is never on the screen or i want to do something else but don't know what. If i'm reading something, i can't process it. Something in the back of my mind says theres going to be something bad but i can't even tell what that is. When i wake up in the morning, i feel this bad feeling. Whats wrong with me?

I Need Your Opinion on Two Guys?

Okay, so me and my ex started dating in March, a week later he broke up with me for like one day than wanted me back, so I gave him a second chance. Sometime in April, some wanted too date him & I confronted him about it and he chose HER over ME. Next day at school he wanted me back and he told her that he didn't want to date her. We had a long cl together and I still had feelings for him so I gave him yet another chance. So after that our relationship was good and it got into summer and we were happy. Then one day he wanted to take a break because he was stressed out with family problems and so we did. Like a day later he fixed things with his family and we got back together. He promised not to do this again. About a month ago, not long after the first break, he spent the whole day with me acting perfectly normal. He didn't say a word to me or act weird. But that night over face book he broke up with me, he said he wanted a break for 3 weeks. Stupid me I told him I would wait for him. He promised he wasn't going too talk to other girls or date anyone else and that in 3 weeks he would want me back. He finally got his phone fixed and I talked too him, but on his Myspace he was talking too all these other girls and putting them in his top. Than he told the he was gonna date before when he was with me that me and him were over and he would love to "talk" to her. When I saw this I confronted him about it and he promised he wasn't gonna date her but when I told him too tell me if he wanted to be over for good all he could say was I don't know. So I told him to text me the next day and talk to me about this and he never did. We had been on a break for about a week now. So I just decided if he was gonna ignore me and lie and **** I was done with him. So than this guy that had liked me for a while was trying too talk to me and he was here for me through all of this. So we started talking and we are planning on dating. But the other night I was talking to him on face book when my ex IMs me and says we need too talk. It's been over 3 weeks by now. He says he is sorry & tells me he was doing weed and that he was high when he broke up with me. But before when we were together he promised me he wouldn't get back into weed. Apparently he did and he got into huge trouble for doing drugs. He also said he was talking to another girl but he isn't now. I know him smoking weed is no excuse for what he did too me. I asked him if he still had feelings for me and he said he did and asked me if I still had feelings for him. I let him have it saying that he ignored me for a month and what did he expect me to do. He said until I understood what I'm sorry means and what he was going through he wasn't going too talk to me. I told him I forgive him and that I can't completely understand what he was going through but he could of talked to me instead of breaking up with me. He also said he might be moving and not be going back to school with me. I told him we were still friends but I think he understood that I wasn't giving him another chance. But now I can't stop thinking about him, wondering if he would want me back, I'm not completely over him, it takes time, but the guy I'm talking to his really great, but its just another person that I have to open up to. And Ive wished so much that my ex would want me back. So whats your opinion, what do you think I should do. Should I tell my ex how I feel and see if we can get back together. Or should I go with the guy I'm talking too, I like him a whole lot, but I still have feelings for my ex. What do you think?

Where can i get a coat like this?

a href="http://www.udresses.com/home.php?cat=59&sort=orderby&sort_direction=0&page=2" rel="nofollow"http://www.udresses.com/home.php?cat=59&…/a

Why does incurring an expense decrease stockholders equity?

I was reading this accounting book in the library, when i noticed something that confused me. I was reading about dividends, the types, etc. But then i don't understand why an expense decreases stockholders equity. I thought expenses incurred will increase the company's liabilities if, say, it was on notes payable.

What to cook for the first at home date?

First I would take into consideration his likes or dislikes. Then look at what you are good at cooking within that spectrum. Cook something you are comfortable with and something that is simple. If it's a romantic dinner I would stay away from onions and peppers anyways. Good luck on your selection!

Who wants to read all about it?

was there nothing said about x factor and futureproof going out last night?that show is a sham simon should of let it go to a public vote hope wouldn't be it that show today ?

Protein synthesis? explain how it works please?

mRNA travels to cytoplasm, where ribosomes are used as a sort of "workbench" for synthesis. The mRNA is read by the attached ribosomal subunits, and tRNA transfers the amino acid corresponding to the mRNA codon to a polypeptide chain. There is a tRNA specific to each kind of amino acid. Once a stop codon is read by the ribosome, the full protein has been made and is cleaved off.

Which Palmers should i get?

they both smell the same. smells kinda chocolatey. the tube is a very concentrated cream, and the tub is as well, i use the one that comes in a bottle, with a pump dispenser...they all work the same really...i use it because im pregnant.and it will help minimize stretch marks...

Last Plymouth Argyle player to score a hatrick in an FA Cup game?

No, I don't believe any have done so. Perhaps it is about time one did. Who knows next Sunday maybe one will against Watford

Will this eliminate my belly fat and chunky thighs?

Plan out your meal. Make sure it is between 1100-1300 calories, because that should allow you to lose weight safely. Continue doing the excersizes you do maybe add some running to it.

With a Greek trady looming, can the EU continue the way it is?

The EU is a monster that has raced far beyond the sanction of the original member states, and far beyond its own capabilities. The sooner it collapses the better for all. Germany is once again the most powerfull country in Europe, and holds the future of the EU and the euro, in its hands. Ad the resentment of that ,among the member states, to the m and uncontrolled Islamic invasion into Europe, and you have more potential for war than there ever has been....... The EU is a quietly insane, corrupt and socially corrosive nightmare. Millions of people have had their children's future d and pillaged to feed the greed driven unaccountable few. All member country's have been forced to dis own their own culture, and deny their own history to accommodate this multi cultural nightmare. I will personally drink to the foul monsters destruction. The sooner the better.

Pimply Rash on 18 month old back and chest?

when by younger brother was a baby 'til he was about 7 years he had the same thing!...the doctors figured out that he was allergic to artificially flavored foods....

Visual basic TimeOfDay help?

If the time of day is greater than 24, subtract 24 hours from the time of day and add one day to the date.


Honestly the Psycho movies are not worth buying. They kinda sucked to me. So i would just wait till you get your car fixed and then if you are still set on buying it you can buy it

How do i make someone a moderator of my yahoo group?

i want to make someone else a moderator of my group so i have a little help in running things...but i cant seem to figure out how to do that!

What are some statistical modeling techniques used in financial services industry?

I am looking for some information on what are some of the typical statistical modeling techniques used in the financial services sector - specifically, credit card companies, banks, mortgage corporations etc. Can you please help me point to a few books that can give me more insight into such modeling? Appreciate all your help - I need the information for an upcoming interview.

Can someone tell me where I can buy Puma Women's Jacket and Pants Dark Shadow/Fuchsion Medium?

Can someone tell me where I can buy Puma Women's Jacket and Pants Dark Shadow/Fuchsion Medium? Thanks, Sonja

What do you think would have happened if the aztecs weren't conquered by the spanish?

You need to read the real history of what happen! Cortez had 200 Spainards with him, he also had a army of 100,000 of the Ameridians with him ! The Aztecs were cruel and brutal people that there supjects were happy to see gone!

Yikes! Precal can anyone help me?

radioactive decay - the half life of radioactive potium is 1.3 billion years. If ten grams are present now, how much will be present in 100 years? 1000 years?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

To what planet have we (earth) sent the most space probes and satellites to?

There are more satellites around Earth than any other planet, and more probes here too. Mars is second.

How can I take sugar out of a baked stew?

I can't imagine a can of beans having enough sugar to spoil a pot of stew. The sweetness in baked beans in maple syrup, which is very sweet might add some slight sweetness to a whole pot of stew, but wouldn't ruin it. If you feel it is really inedible, give it away as another answerer suggested and start over.

Would what you listen to in your car change just because you have children?

My mom listened to a lot of Hip-Hop back in the 1980s when I was growing up and I love hip hop music now. While I don't only listen to hip hop music (I love Sheryl Crow and U2), I heard music that had cussing in it and everything so it really didn't affect me (except me cussing all the time). Now I am just wondering would the type of music you listen to change just because you have children. I think I am going to listen to the same type of music that I still do, but maybe I will not listen to certain Ice Cube, or 2Pac songs while my son or Daughter is in the car. What are your thoughts on this?

Why is Great Britain so Anti-Christ?

The USA is liberal and the manufacturing company for ity and perversion, but they still believe in God in a real way. On the contrary, GB seems to be indifferent to a real move of God. The people live as if there is no God. They are very liberal in their way of thinking. Those who are church goers often attend the Anglican Church. Few are acutally Catholic, for which is a plus. There are full gospel churches branching up here and there, but it still maintains its Godless mindset. Some of the greatest ministers that ever lived came from there, so it does not add up. People like Elton John, which is the same as our Rosie O'Donnell, are usually the norm. Witchcraft and earth worshipping is seen as normal. Why have this nation turn its back on God?

Teenager, and yes I admit I became a book worm after reading Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse. Now what?

I've read most of those - A Walk To Remember being my fav. I'm 14 also, but I'm really not into the romancy kind of stuff. You should try the Alex Rider series. It's about a 14 year old spy and it keeps you at the edge of you're seat the entire time. I'd also recommend novels by Kevin Brooks, my favorite book of his being "Being".If you're really into the teenagery romances though, try Scribbler of Dreams,The Book of Luke, everything that Sarah Dessen writes, Bloom, and Sharing Sam :)


just use the plants and rocks the fish would most likely like the more natural look ( i have a fish tank)

Is it bad for your computer to...?

...its more like a last-resort kinda thing. It'll mess up your computer if you constantly do it,but if its the only choice you have then go for it. In the future,make plans to add more RAM to your computer,this might help with the freezing problem.

Do YOU Think I Have a Chance at YALE UNIVERSITY?? Easy!(:?

maybe, it also depends on your SAT scores and I think they make you write an essay or something so it depends on that too. And if you dont get in then dont worry too much. Just because someone goes to a fancy college doesnt mean they're smart or more skilled than you, it just means they have a fancy degree to throw around and they're daddy probably has a lot of money and connections.

Translate this spanish to english for me easy 10 pts?

I just want to tell you that you are a great person and you're worth a lot. I miss talking to you because you made the days special for me. Take care and call me.


You should give time for yourself to heal from your previous relationship. And as of both of this guys you should get to know both of them much better. Dont jump into any relationship if your not ready.

I need help choosing a song, a crazy song :)?

Blah Blah Blah by Ke$ha is kind of crazy. Actually any of Ke$ha's songs would probably be good for that. Haha. But I think Britney Spears is a good choice as well. Especially her songs on the same CD as Piece of Me. Also "Le Disko" by Shiny Toy Guns sounds like it might be appropriate. =)

Are Paradoxes just a lack of knowledge?

paradoxes are the result result of something hapening to something that is impossibel. like travelling back in time to kill yourself and succeed meaning that you never existed to kill yourself and endless loop that contradicts itself.

How do you say ... in spanish?

Could someone please translate this for me into spanish please? "Cervantes wakes up and remembers what had happened to him in the night. He left the banquet with his young companion, and Demetrio looked for Cervantes's bride, but Pintada stopped him, and then Demetrio began striking out at everyone around him. Cervantes does not remember anything after that point. Cervantes looks for his girl, and finally finds her with Guero inside of a locked room."

What should i do if i mess up a day of atkins induction?

if i eat ate cookies and brownies and just sugar stuff because of the intense cravings but i go right back on it tomorrow.. is that okay?

Is it okay if a married woman hugs a male friend?

the guy s single. they are best friends and know each other even before the woman's husband met her. They are really close and share a platonic relationship.

Yellow coating on tongue?

If your tongue has this coating, it means that you have really bad breath and thats not good you can find some very interesting information on Therabreath.com you can buy some of their products at walgreens or walmart, also buy a tongue scr, and buy mouthwas without alcohol. click on the website below for more information on yellow coating on tongue

How many folk out there are tired of hearing about poor Adam?

America voted, and he flat lost. These are the same folk who purchase albums. They WILL not be buying albums where the person is screaming on every song. Adam lost, and people need to get over it. He should have been cut a long time ago. The ONLY shocker in America Idol is for Gokey to have not been in the bottom three then get cut all of a sudden. Adam is a karaoke performer. He closes his eyes and bellows out tunes that raise the dead. Kris is more appealing to the mes. Old, young, males, females, black, white, hispanic, and everyone in between will purchase his albums. Adam will get the rockers, the gothics, and the gays to purchase his. People like the unusual, and Adam is exotic looking and acting. Black fingernail polish and spiked hair are outdated. That went out of style ten years ago. Simon and Randy did not get their way. It was obvious from the beginning who they wanted to win, thanks America!!!

Please Help!! I have a paper due tomorrow and I just can't get it right!?

I would say that that's actually pretty good. I'm sure you'll impress your teacher a great deal. It IS very descriptive in many ways. I can feel the emotions that you've tried to input into the text and have been successful with, I can ure you, it is an excellent piece of work. Remember to put in any apostrophes where it's talking about posession, or for example: it is would become it's. Like in the second paragraph: the first word should be It's not Its. But apart from that, I congratulate your success.

What would be your scarlet letter?

what would you regret doing and your whole life you had to remember what you did wrong every day. what letter would you be?

From where can i download free full ,ss,fat movies beside limewire,torremts,p2p?

no torreents,no ares,no limewire.atleast help me nobody helps me by giving the answer of my question.plz reply.plz help me

Ladies does this ever happen to you?

I'm a 41 year old lady with two children. I'm having female related problems I think. First, my stomach really bloats and feels hard like there's alot of pressure there and also in my lower pelvis. This happens with stress and exercise and after eating. My pms is wicked. Lol. I mean terrible mood swings and irritability and extreme fatigue. The cramping in my privates is horrible. It does this after lifting as well. The doctor thought it was a hernia, but they checked and it's not. I've been told IBS to fibroids to endometrosis. I do have a small gallstone. Can anyone help me? Has anyone experienced these symptons? Could this be early menopause? Thanks for your advice ladies.

How do I avoid using spondee and anapest in my sonnets (which has to be iambic pentameter)?

I have a really bad habit of starting and ending my lines in iambic pentameter then breaking the pattern by inserting spondee and anapest. How do I stop doing that? How do I avoid it?

Whats with some NFL player's jerseys having smaller sized names on the back of their jerseys?

I've noticed some players have small letters that don;t match the rest of their team's on the back of their jersey (ex. NY Giants d-line, Jermichael Finley of the Packers) whats up with that?

How our ongoing battle against terrorism and whether you believe it has?

how our ongoing battle against terrorism and whether you believe it has been effective. How would you deter future acts of terrorism against the USA?

Help me revise my thesis statement?

During the early 19th Century, an era struck by the romantic movement, Nathaniel Hawthorne and Edgar Allan Poe became literary masters of the dark romantic element as they used past tragic experiences in their own lives as bases for continual themes in their fictional masterpieces, such as The Raven and Rappaccini’s Daughter; with such success that these literary clics influenced much of the literature written in the 20th Century.

Should the Washington Redskins fire Mike Shanahan?

He's bumbling around D.C. screwed over the teams 2 BEST players; (McNabb & Haynesworth) has a 5-8 record with the team in shambles... I mean who in their right minds would move McNabb to 3rd in favor of starting Rex Grossman? seriously!? wow... I never thought Shanahan was that great of a coach anyways... yeah he won 2 Superbowls, with JOHN ELWAY and TERELL DAVIS two players who are in the top 10 ever at their positions. After the Broncos won those two SB's and Elway and Davis retired his went 7 years w/o a playoff win... In my mind he's overrated...

My wife, an evangelical christian,only listens to christian music now and drives me nuts.How can I stop it?

We used to be alike, loved the same music and movies. Now she freaks out with the slightest mention of filthy language or related scenes. I can't stand this new change. I want my wife back to how she was. She tells me that I am de-sensitized to filth and . My opinion is, we are adults and should be able to stand a few seconds of scenes and ****/****/ballz in a movie without becoming the devil!

OK is this coincidence or faith or did God answer my tests?

I hope it's a coincidence. I can't respect a God who helps you play video games. Scripture says to never test God because He works on His schedule, not yours. He ain't your b*tch.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Give me a nick name??????

ok everyone calls me something werid soooo... i want to know if u guys can give me good nick name ok i want something short and simple something cute but not to girly, people say im funny , and super cute ,, hmmmm... soo if u have a kool nick name in mind please help me!!!!!

I need to start two in a ppr league.?

i have h. nicks(nyg) vs atl, s. moss(was) vs cowboys, a. collie (ind) vs bal., maquio (cle) vs det. and m. wallace vs. KC

Is there an actual statistic to reflect how rare it is to have identical twins with DIFFERENT eye color?

We have identical twin girls. One has hazel-green eyes, the other's is blue. We are certain our girls are identical, so please do not insist that they are fraternal. Besides their eye color and a little difference in weight, they are both fairly identical. Even I sometimes confuse them in photos. Anyway, I know the occurance of diverse eye color in identicals is rare, I'm just unsure if there is an actual number ociated with it.

1 1/2 year male old Golden and a 9 month old female Chocolate Lab?

I have a 1 1/2 yr male Golden Retriever and I have an opportunity to rescue a 9 mo. female Chocolate Lab pup. My Golden would LOVE a friend to play with but the pup has been an outside dog and is not housebroken. Will she teach him bad things while learning to go potty outside? I plan on getting both fixed right away. Is there a way to tell who will be the alpha? It is automatically the male? Geez that sounds really ist!! I have never had a male and a female just 2 females and it was disastrous!!

Gas prices, are we getting the shaft?

We are getting the shaft, just like Paris Hilton in a green, night-vision video. Bush's oil buddies have pulled off the biggest heist in world history,

Can you keep queso dip warm using a crock pot?

Yes, but keep stiring it to keep it from getting an ugly film. Also, watch the temp. if it gets too hot it will get ugly lumps in it!

Is it tru about ur that...?

ok is it tru that if u like either dont wear a bra for long periods of time or if u mage ur s daily they will get bigger? i wasnt like serious answers from like some one who knos wat they are talkin bout, k? Thanx

I like two guys, what should I do...?

just dont ruin your relationship or i mean friendship with numberone (the one you know the most) for numbertwo lol it's hard keeping friends that long lol

What horse do you think will win the Kentucky Derby this year?

I am holding off betting for just a little while longer while watching track conditions. The showers have ped as of now and regardless of light showers earlier in the day the track remains fast and if it stays that way I will be betting Nehro and Archarcharch. My favorite as of now is Nehro to win but I think Archarcharch will make a good show if he does not expend too much energy from his #1 post position at the start to avoid being shuffled back in the pack. Otherwise, if the track gets sloppy wet, my favorite to win is Soldat.

Dance at school tonight!?

there is a dance at my high school tonight. i know what i am going to wear and all that jazz. but, how do i dance to the music they play? they play songs like Rihanna, Flo-Rida, Cupid Shuffle, all rap and hip hop. how do i dance and act at this dance? thanks!

How did conservatives become so cruel that they would not pay for---?

Because the libs cornered the market on killing fetuses and keeping poor inner city folks in generational welfare, while protecting the right of criminals to do their jobs without fear of firearms from the average citizens interfering with their work.

Harry potter survey thing!?

I would be myself, a former student of Hogwarts who becomes a partonus (in the form of a bat) and protects Harry Potter from Lord Voldemort.

2007 Microsoft_Sweepstakes Lotto INC. All rights reserved.Terms of Service - Guidelines?

anyone know anything about a lottery with microsoft and UK tabacco company for giving away 1 million british pounds.Or is this just a scam. they keep sending me emails saying I'm a winner. Thank you for your help.

Why does Lorne Michaels want McNapalm to win the election?

Here in Ohio, I saw NOTHING but Repukelican ads during SNL last night, and now Michaels wants Palin on the show? Does he really want McCain to win badly, or is Tom "GOP" Brokaw making him do it?

Hi i need some legal info what can i do and where i need to start @?

i was talking to a friend tonigth about how i last my hand gun n he said i should get it back so my ?? is can i still get it back, what i need to do n where i need to start? this is what happen 16 monts ago my wife n i broke off well she did she kick me out of our home using a stay away order for no reason i never abuse my wife fisical some times we scream of each other like everybody do some times any way so cuz of that order the sheriff give me 48 hrs to give it to them or to sale. the gun store only offer me 100dlls n it was brand new n i pay 600dlls so i ask a friend to put the gun in his name intill after the court so he take the test n p n by law the store hold the gun for 10 days so my ex n i have a talk b4 court n we whent together for a drive n did not show in court so automatic by law the order gets droop down. so the gun was at the store cuz my frnd never pick it up so i when to store n tranfer back in to my name n again by law have to hold it 10 days to check my back. but exact @ that 9 day of the 10 day b4 i get to pick my gun my ex n i got mad of each other she go n get n other order so the gun store did not get the gun to me they tell me not intill after the court. so in court i prove the judge that my ex pay some girl to sing some false papers n he take the stay away order of my shoulders. thks god, at this time i have to many stuff to give priority n i never when back to claim my gun n i didn't cuz they tell me at gun store that they can only hold the gun 30 day n after 30 days they have to give it to sheriff dep cuz it was not property of the store. i am verry sorry to everybody for my long history but if any one know what i can do i really apreciated ur advise thank u verry much every one god bless u all

What are the pro's and con's of living in New Zealand?

I like the cooler climate and by living in California I am used to a little earth quake shaking. Would you live there? What are the pro's and con's of living there?

Charles de Gaulle costume for Halloween?

i think that's lame. every ones going 2 be lyk "who r u?" try darth vader or something.lmao. :D

Who'd Win Shelton Benjamin vs Sin Cara?

Spot Monkey Sin Cara Evan should have won....All i can see is Shelton Catching him in Mid Air a few times during this match if it were to ever happen like Shelton hits him with Power slams,, T Bone Suplex Super Kicks him...like Almost Like Angle i wish WWE Never Screwed Up Jack Hager he could have been the next Best Thing If WWE Hadnt had a million things to do with him he could be atleast a 2 time WWE Champion & maybe a IC Champion for atleast 6months losing it to Evan Bourn or Kofi Kingston

Custody, step kids, and religion?

Ask your fella this question. If he doesn't go to church either than surely he knows this question is going to be asked of him by his kids. He'll probably be glad to get the heads up and you can ask him what he would like you to do/say

OK yahoo P/O Lunch/Dinner is now being served??????

Yes its true your food is ready..I made a delicious beef vegetable stew with Basmate rice...so whos coming over? Oh yeah..if you dont want or eat beef stew WHAT CAN I MAKE YOU TO EAT.......When can i expect you to come over???

How Dangerous is Caracas, Venezuela?

Well my boyfriend invited me to go to his family house in Venezuela this summer for a couple months. It is a 6 hour drive from Caracas, but we would stay in Caracas too for a few days. I'm a girl so I feel slightly vulnerable and I heard that Venezuela is dangerous. I'm also blonde so I would stand out as a foreigner. What are your thoughts about Caracas/Venezuela in general?

Do you think Sarah Connor would have worked in T3?

I really missed Linda Hamilton in Terminator 3:Rise of the Machines.Sarah Connor is such an iconic character. Loved her in T2, she was so lol. Do you think she would have worked in T3?I think she would still would've been bad in that movie too?

My full name is appearing on the Yahoo IMs I am sending. I don't want that. How do I turn that off?

Follow this path. click on messenger > My profile> click on ur profile> edit> finished. It will solve ur problem.

How many green gs should a person eat as, say a snack? And if I eat an apple every morning, and >>>>?

My mom uses the zip-lock snack size bags and fills them up with gs. She eats very healthy and says these smaller bags are exactly a serving size - I think it's actually a cup. Check out www.mypyramid.gov You can enter your age and height and activity level and it will tell you how many servings are recommended for you and what the actual serving sizes are.

For a Licenciado degree in Venezuela, how do I call it in other countries?

I got my Licenciado degree in that country for a 6 years career study, I am confused how can I determine a factor in our country? for instance, Canada? Thanks.

What is CAD/CAM course. What is the benefit of doing this course? My boss has suggested me to do this from CAD

What is CAD/CAM course. What is the benefit of doing this course? My boss has suggested me to do this from CADD Centre. Is there any scope of this in the market and this course will help me to go up? I have done Simple B.A. and one of my friend told me that its a scientific field. Will it soute to me????? Will i be afford this??? plz reply soon as possible

Does anyone have a copy of the Westboro's Baptist Church's version of the Holy Bible?

Or better yet, is there a way to contact the Phelp's Cult Participants via email?... I have read the Bible Time and Again, the New Law and most of the Old, but even in the books of the Old Law such as Leviticus, God seems to have made it pretty clear that the Abomination was the sin itself, not the sinner, and if God hates the world and sinners why would John 3:16 of the New Law State otherwise? "For God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son, that while we were still sinners he died for us"? Feed back anyone? additionally does it make anyone else want to puke when they hear the words Hate and God a.k.a. Jesus which is a synonym of Love as he is also the Author of Love Mixed together?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Have they ever discovered a fossilized carbon footprint of a dinosaur?

Actual they have. The mix of isotopes in the CO2 in the atmosphere indicates that the new CO2 is coming from burning fossil fuels and other stuff (like forests) rather than from the ocean. So technically they've found a signature but you call call it a carbon footprint if you like.

Argumentative Essay Help, Please?

What do you feel the most pionate about? Is it the right to die? Abortion? Adoption privacy? You have to decide what you could write about that you have strong feelings about. For instance, let's say you are for the right to die. You might list reasons such as a person's right to decide how they should end their life or if their quality of life is affected by disease, do they have a right to end it? You could also be against the right to die, citing only God can decide when a person's time is up. Also, who decides if a patient has a right to die, if the patient is comatose? A husband? The parents? There are a lot of issues to confront in every controversy. You can do this. Just find your pion. Good luck!

How will I ever get rid of the paci?!?!?

My son just turned 13 months old and still wants his pacifier. Now granted he mostly only uses it (in his mouth I mean) when he is sleepy. Other wise he wants it but will hold it in his hand or hold the tip between his teeth. He doesn't actually suck on it much. I just don't know how to take it away! He will hide them in his room and if I take one away somehow he magically comes up with another! I have searched his room and bed, which mind you is super neat and organized, and can't find where he is putting them. That is beside the point though, I haven't really tried to completely get rid of it yet but I currently take them away unless he is getting ready for nap time or bed time. What's the next step here?

Sites like www.mandy.com?

Hello!Can anyone tell me some sites like www.mandy.com or craiglist...I am interested in sites where different directors or producers advertise for screenplays. Thanks very much!

What type of iambic is this poem, and why?

This famous poem, "God's Grandeur" by Gerard Manley Hopkins, is written in his characteristic sprung rhythm and not in iambic feet at all. It is of course a Petrarchan sonnet. You may now, with this basic insight, begin your own research more productively.

What does it mean to keep our eyes on Jesus?

To me it means to place our whole trust in Him for He never fails. He is looking out for us and it is in our best interest that we do believe and know that He will never leave us or forsake us. He loves us so much that He died for us so that we may have life and have it abundantly. In Him is peace beyond all human understanding of that word for He is Peace. Isn't He wonderful? :)

What did Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus do on their first date?

Well first Santa went to her house, met the parents, and off they went on his sleigh pulled by his favorite reindeer, Rudolph. After a romantic ride through the snow, they arrived at the frozen lake where they enjoyed ice ing and hot cocoa. Santa brought her home at a reasonable hour, and they had a respectable kiss under the moonlight. Rudolph blushed so hard that his nose began to glow, and that was the beginning of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer!

Hollyoaks question....

Everytime she comes on I press mute. She is ruining Hollyoaks for me! I'm glad other people hate her too...

I Need help please?

so, i had this girl zoey who really liked me and i LOVED her. she has been my first Girlfriend scince the 7th grade....she means the world to me. but last night i did the worst thing in the world. I told her i wnat to break up and i dont know why, i really want her back today i told her i was sorry and that i knew that i hurt her and that i love her and said if she gave me a second chance that she would be sorry for it...i dunno how to tell her how i feel...i told her that i would protect her from anything bad and would never bring any more pain to her world...i feel like **** right now...im always fightin back tears and i would give my legs and arms for her i reallly love her...how can i get her to see this and maybe give me a second chance....please serious awnser only please. i dont need to be reminded how much i messed up right now

Is England a dictatorship?

Wow, a few tourists from Glascow, Scotland told me how lucky I was to live in America. They said England is ruled by the Queen and they still have 15th century laws ie. beheading for stealing. Is that true? WOW, that's unbelievable! I don't want to sound arrogant but things like these make me so proud to be an American. I am so thankful to my forefathers who fought for the freedom of America. We have freedom and rights that people in other nations can only FANTASIZE about. Not to mention a culture that is widespread and emulated in every country in the world. And a military ten times the size of the next strongest. We'll never realize this, but God has truly blessed us.

Doing cardio on empty stoamch or on a small protein shake?

If you lose muscle, it's because you eat too little protein during the day. Eat protein snacks, not starch snacks.

Why deny Herbert Hoover was a progressive?

Let's see. A progressive in the progressive party with a progressive agenda. Im not seeing how he was a progressive. lol (sarcasm)

How can I make sure I am leaving the BIGGEST "carbon footprint" possible?

Live in an RV which you never park except to fill up with gas. Eat only beef, and that in large quantities. Heat the RV with a charcoal burner, but be sure to leave all the windows open so you don't die of carbon monoxide poisoning. Don't keep the RV tuned up and don't inflate the tires correctly. Throw everything you don't want into the landfills. Then you can die and release all your toxins into the atmosphere by not being buried or embalmed.

Most successful military nation ever? Please read details before answering!?

I would say to qualify as militarily successful, a nation has not only to conquer territory, but to hold it over enough time to make it stick and to transmit its customs and culture to others. That being the case, I say (1) Rome and (2) Great Britain. An argument could also be made for China which, despite successive conquests over the centuries, transmitted its culture and customs to each conquerer in turn and served as the model for neighboring states to the east and south.

Where can I find princess costumes for 14 year olds?

if there i a mall close by see if they have a disney shop in there..or you could do this..if she has a teen cousin who has went to her prom borrow the dress..put a plastic tiara on her head..

Dad might be cheating?

I don't know if I would tell my sister but I would mention to my mom that I saw dad on that site and saw something he wrote and that it bothered you. Your mom should confront him about it.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Why does brown sugar cause a yeast air balloon to deflate balloon to deflate on the 2nd day of the experiment?

What substances other than brown sugar have you tried and what were the results? My guess is that brown sugar does not contain enough nutrients for the yeast to continue to grow.

Whats everybodys favourite song to dance to..?

i think mine would have to me dont stop me now - queen .. or livin on a prayer- bon jovi.. ORR.. summer of 69- bryan adams what about you!!

Why do Atheists obscure the existence of Satan in their statement “their is no God” while they promote him?

While Atheists claim that there is no God and that all religions including those that Christianity clifies as cult religions are fallacious imaginations of the mind they propagate all of these cult religions, every form of witchcraft and even open satanic worship in society. This is a hugh sign that Atheism is a religion that promotes all forms of Satanic worship.

Intellectual Properties and trademark?

Why is it important to protect intellectual properties and What are the characteristics of a trademark?

Question about my cycle. Need some opinions?

I had that before and the more i got excited about it the later my period was. I ended up being 2 weeks late with like 5 negative tests and it turns out i didn't ovulate but i had the exact same symptoms as you are describing. When i actually did become pregnant i had a string of blood in my CM the day after i ovulated which may have been implantation bleeding. I mean very early symptoms are basically period like symptoms and every pregnancy is different but when i became pregnant with my daughter i had the lower back cramps and stomach cramps increased urination which is a very common one also my hurt really bad and i was tired more often and that was when i was 2 to 3 weeks pregnant. I found out at 4 weeks and at about 7 weeks i got morning sickness. Well i'm sending you lots of baby dust that your test turns out positive!! i'm ttc #2 and am on CD 16.. keeping my fingers crossed!!

When can we finally just put Women's studies into the collective use of the word studies?

I can't major in Men's studies. Is this a form of ism? Or is it just as acceptable as African American studies? I guess the question should be, would it cause an uproar if a college were to institute a White Men's studies major?

Who is the better joker, Heath Ledger - Jack Nicholson?

Heath Ledger Of Course ! Heath Really Made the "Joker" Look very Realistic and gave a more better and outstanding performance !

Does anyone have a womens wear daily online account theyd let me log into to veiw fashion stories?

im looking to read a story and also am wanting to read the story and see the pic that theyll put up and in the paper on tuesday or wednesday about the gossip girl window in henri bendels

Do the "attention s" in the audience of Judge Judy,etc. shows get paid to sit there every show,If so why?

There is always the same girls all the time,do they fight over who gets to sit in the camera or something?

Carmen Sandiego costume?

I need to find an inexpensive red trench and fedora. I've been looking online, but it seems like all of the good stuff I find is sold out.

Should I give my boyfriend my cl ring for his birthday?

Seriously, I'd keep it. It obviously means a lot to you. Get him something else - and don't worry about money. A thoughtful gift does not have to cost much at all. I knew someone whose boyfriend brought her a bunch of wildflowers wrapped in some sheet music, and she fell madly in love with him.

How do I convince my parents to let me go to my girlfriend's house?

So we havent seen each other for a while and we want to see each other but since it's a school day i can't stay late. So we were thinking like 4-7 but i have swim practice from 5-7:30. I missed a day last week cuz we had midterms and I needed to study a little more so they only let me miss if I'm sick, have too much hw, or dead tired. How can i can convince them???

The Breakfast Club anyone? Music or a quoted line from it/ Help?!?

When the Character John Bender was running through the corridor and tearing down all the posters he was shouting a song...i remember "a virgin's mother" or something like that, can anyone tell me the song? or the artist or something.

I will be living in the deep south and I am getting really scared,... any advised is more than welcome...?

Long story,.. I am 22, originally from Colombia, love to travel,.. found the love of my life,.. he is 21 wow what a scandal! I am dating a younger guy! right?,.. wrong!!!! thats not the problem... we are soulmates,.. we are talking about the 3 baby girls we will have (he wants 3 little boys!) anyway,.. I had been told by latinos / hispanics,.. to stay away from the deep south (currently in the north and loving the snow) because of racism,.. by the way my future husband is black, and hot of course,.. anyway I didnt believe it,. because its 2010 u know,,. so anyway,. I was all excited to finally meet my future mother in law,.. but she said my bf not to bring his f**ing mexican midget illegal drug dealer allien down there!!!!,.. we ran into his teenage sister and she just out of nowhere called me a prostitut*! Oh,.. just so you know,. Mexico and Colombia are 2 different countries,. I am taller than the average american woman, I dont know anything about drugs lol,. and not illegal,.. aaah and def not a prostituteee!!!!.. anyway,.. Oh man,.. in Colombia we basically have nothing but colombians, not that much diversity,. so I didnt know what to expect,.. and now I am thinking of our 3 birracial girls,.. will they be better of being raised in the south (with more black population to relate to),.. or anywhere else???? confusing eh,...

Does politics really reflect what the people want?

I don't believe they do. Everyone seems to have a hidden agenda. My opinion is that all the money people have the politicians in their pocket. That's why we keep getting more and more of the same ol' same ol'. I have voted every election (city, county, state, national) since I came of age to vote. Mucho years, hun, and it still seems to be the same. No one seems to have any hope, that is why voters are so apathetic. That's why the turnouts are so low.

So. Did that bigot down there forget that Jesus walked in the Middle East?

It is true that Jesus was not European and lived in the area called Israel. But he was not a muslim. According to the Bible and according to History time lines he would be a Jew.

Where did the following wedding related idea originate?

I agree with you completely. I'm a college student, no financial istance from anyone and my loans are getting larger, my scholarship smaller and tuition is increasing 15% per year. I can't afford a huge gift for someone.

Is propane heavier then air?

I have a gopher that is tearing up my garden area and he keeps avoiding my gopher trap. I was thinking if it's possible to fill his tunnel with propane and light it. Would the propane go into his tunnel or would it just escape into the air? My wife says I'm nuts, but...

Beach waves? please help x?

curl it! after the shower when your hair is damp add moose to your hair blow dry your hair upside down it will give it volume. then once its dry heat up a curling iron adn curl. don't use so much hair spray and then when your done spray some everywhere not too much cause it will weigh it down and youlll get flat curls

HELP! What were the roman catholic church's views on the enlightenment HOMEWORK?

i need to write an essay persuading against the enlightenment as a preist. tell me what i should say like points i could make the the church believed during the time.

Free games, is that too much to ask? I am only interested in really old games at that price.?

Take Chess for example, its like a thousand years old. Lennox and Windows both include it on the Operating software for your computer, so Why is it that when I go to Google and type in Free full version Chess Game download all I get is page upon page of 60 free minutes then buy our stupid thousand year old chess game. Same with other old games like Quake, Doom, ect, ect.......I don't want to buy a new computer just to get the game package. Does anybody know where there are Truly. free. games like Chess, Spades, Hearts, Hoover.....

Help!! I need a friend ... Feel so depress?

Ok... I fell depress because my boufriend has not called me since early in the afternoon, and he would always call me tru the day.... and yesterday we did not see each other at all. and we would see each other everyday..... and i am sad because i miss him to death and i wish he would call me and let me know what he been up to... we been fighting muchhh lately. and i just want to move on from this unhealthy relationship... we been together almost 3 years and i just dont want to feel like he dont love me at all... i just wish he can understand how much i been putting up with of lot of his bullshit.. i just cant move... i feel heart broken...........

Ok. serious ? i lost wait n i stil hve strech mrks on mi hips. iz that lke gros or whut?

no, stretch marks are always gonna be there. i've lost alotta weight too and i still got them:P vitamin e oil and cocoa er appaaarently helps it fade a bit, but not completely disappear.

How to build my chest muscles?

do 20 push ups with ur thumbs touching each other every day trust me u gne see results within 2 weeks

I need some help locating some model kits.

You could try Ebay, or go to the Fine Scale Modeler magazine website, someone there may be able to help you. www.finescale.com, or go pick up a FSM mag, they have a lot of ads for on line hobby shops that may carry discontinued kits.

On a lab exam, you have to find the concentrations of the monoprotic (one proton per molecule) acids HA and HB?

On a lab exam, you have to find the concentrations of the monoprotic (one proton per molecule) acids HA and HB. You are given 41.2 mL of HA solution in one flask. A second flask contains 30.8 mL of HA, and you add enough HB solution to it to reach a final volume of 50.0 mL. You titrate the first HA solution with 89.2 mL of 0.0906 M NaOH and the mixture of HA and HB in the second flask with 95.4 mL of the NaOH solution. Calculate the molarity of the HA and HB solutions.

How do crocodiles eat their prey?

Small things get swallowed. For bigger prey they normally work together. Some bite into the prey to hold it steady while others bite and twist their whole bodies to rip chunks off meat loose. These chunks they then swallow whole. They don't chew there food. The teeth are there just to rip and to hold onto their prey.

Obama is the antichrist?

The other day my best friend showed her true colors to me when she started ranting about how obama is the anti christ and is giong to lead america into the next holocoast. Honestly her ignorance is extremeley irrtating. I was wondering who else believes this and why, or where it came from?

Does ANYONE know the Man Utd Score....?

Haha. I was about 2 ask that. Especially after a similar question the other day asking about the Liverpool score. Well done Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeds!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

What should I buy from mac (cosmetics)?

I'm going to ft Lauderdale for the summer and I want to buy makeup from mac ( I live in mexico so mac makeup is more expensive.) My mom thinks I am too young to wear makeup, but I wont be wearing it every day. So I went to nordstrom.com and I added stuff to my bag, but the brushes are exepensive but I found these two packs of mac brushes, one for the face and it has 4 brushes and another for your eyes that had 5 and they are each $49.50. I have $200 for makeup and if I got both of them I would still be able to buy powder, mascara, lip conditioner, lip gloss and lipstick. If I dont get the brushes I can get the other stuff and eye pencil, lip pencil, brow pencil, another eyeshodow ( the eyeshadows are trio) foundation, blush, concealer, and primer for your skin, eyelashes, eyes and lips. Im sorry its a lot to read but I hate it when I try to answer a question and I dont quite understand. Anyway, thanks! I really appreciate it.

Are tattoo's on the back of your neck and behind your ears easy to cover with your hair?

IF you have long hair yes..but please consider that if you are an old lady and you cut your hair short like old ladies do..it will show and be wrinkly. thats the only problem!

Should we declare the us a christian nation for national secy purposes?

without fail all the nations that are muslim harbor terrorists and all countries that dont have religion welcome in terrorists and illegals with open arms, just look at sweden and spain for example. if we declare the us to be a christian nation then people wont want to mess with us and terrorists will keep away. it doesnt violate the constitution b/c the establishment claus just applies to govt .. why are libs against this idea.?

My car swerves or skids at certain times and I don't know how to fix it?

Whenever it hits a bumpy road surface it seems to swerve unsteadily and I have to pull the steering wheel to stop it veering to the right or left. Also when I pull away quickly at a roundabout, the car sometimes skids to the right and left, and if I hit surface water it also skids uncontrollably. Is it wheel alignment or balance or something else, please help?

Light weight jackets.. whats the brand?

its kind of fleece. it comes in different colors.. and theres a little section on top that says the brand. it starts with THE _________? help!

Why isn't UConn's real "Jonathan The Husky" mascot in Houston for the Final Four?

While Butler's real bulldog mascot, Blue II, has become the media darling of America, garnering a lot of free face and airtime for Butler University from his spa visit on wednesday to his chartered plane trip on Friday to staying at the 4-star Intercontinental (first ever canine guest) with all sorts of special perks at the Johnson Space Center, etc., we have heard nothing at all about Jonathan of UConn. Did he die or what?

We need a laugh after the troubles of last week, I think I have found one?

this would just make the rugby s call us gay even more and call our sport soft. but male cheerleaders wouldnt gang women.

I think i need to lose weight but i dunno how to (woman only)?

Okay I am 14 and i weigh about 49 to 50 kgs and i am 167cm tall... I think I really really need to lose weight.. i want to get down to 46 or 45kgs but i just can't seem too... oh and i am about a week before getting my period and i never really weigh 50kg could you also think my period could have anything to do withh my weight gain... and how can i lose weight??? please answer all mquestionsns

What is a good name for a craft business?? ?

What about "Busy Bodies Crafts"? Crafty people tend to be busy all the time because they LOVE to do crafts. I speak for myself of course.

Is it sick to want to control other people's mind with hypnosis?

I have seen many courses and books on covert hypnosis, you know, stuff like 'Hypnotize others without them knowing and make them do what you want'. Heheh, who wouldn't want to be in control of others, but my question is: is it sick to desire such thing?

Is this a cute purse for a 7-year-old girl (my niece)? Advice please?

I think that purse is super cute for a 7 year old girl.The color is right and style. Its just so cute! I know my daughter would just love that purse and she is only 6. So yes, she will be one happy girl. Merry Christmas!

My workplace announces on a radio system false statements about staff. Is a cl action slander suit possible?

Those staff that had false statements given by radio system announcement, could consult with an 'employment lawyer' for legal options

Calling Football Fans !!Which team is gonna win tomorrow? OU vs TX ?

I want to wear the right t shirt. I have to know in advance because it has to be ironed and I want to look good. Which team are you expecting to win this Red River Rivalry? I gotta be on top of this game it's a hugh tradition, right?

Why is killing by execution legal and not a considered violation of human rights while beating and whipping is?

I think killing is worse than beating or lashing.Saddam Husein's Defense Lawyers claimed he was physically abused and beat ed while is custody and they say he had marks on his skin but hanging him and suffocating him is ok why? Why do criminals have rights not to be beaten but can be killed?I think corporal punishment should be legal. In this country some rapist get sent to prison for 25,30,40 or 50 years but I think lashes would be better so they learn not to do it again not stay in prison until they are in their 70s or 80s.

On a Facebook discussion thread, do I need to cite my source every time I use it (MLA Format).Or is 1 time ok.?

I recently made a Facebook group (secret), as a study group to share information to friends for a cl. My question is do I need to cite my source (MLA Format), or do I just mention the source every time I use it. Also would it suffice if I just put something like "All my sources come from ..... I take no credit for any information posted etc. On the information tab or a discussion thread. I'm just wondering what i need to do to not get in trouble for using someone's work.

Question's i'm curious about teenagers?

I want to wonder since the is already growing by its self when your a teenager what would happen if you use Extenze ( enlarger) on teenagers? Or Dietary supplements?

Barrett Airsoft rifles, whats the deal between the two?

Alright, so as we all know, Socom Gear has come out with their M82A1 Barrett .50 cal sniper for $1200. BUT, The Model 99 Rifle (Non-liscenced by Barrett) sells for 189$ and IS a Barrett rifle, just without the trademarks and logo. So what makes the M82A1 sell for so much more than the M99? Remember these rifle are both full metal and yes the M82A1 IS an AEG but the AEG form isnt worth 1000$ more.

Boston Celtics News!!?

reportedly the mavs and raptors are close to a deal also with memphis that would send shawn marion to dallas for a few players(dont really know who) and memphis receiving jerry stackhouse from dallas but memphis will buyout stackhouse's contract and make him a free agent. if this were to happen should the celtics pursue jerry stackhouse?

Can creditors still collect on a debt that is past 7 years if that from a company that has sold out?

The company has sold out and gone out of business. I no longer have the receipts I have paid off the debt years ago. The interest has steadily grown. I have received letters from various collection agencies stating I now owe a huge debt.

I have a 6 inch'er. Does that deter me from a o career ?

Yahoo! Answers is currently unavailable...Yahoo! Answers is experiencing technical difficulties. We appreciate your patience while we fix the problem and apologize for any inconvenience. We ure you we aim to have service restored as soon as possible. In the meantime here are some things you can do while you wait:

University of New Mexico vs. University of Oregon?

Earlier today I attended a College Fair. For my career, I am interested in something along the lines of an international lawyer (with a focus on Mandarin Chinese). U of O has a Chinese Flagship program, and University of New Mexico does as well. I know both colleges have undergraduate studies that would be appropriate for a law student (At UNM, you can actually earn your graduate in law...I'm not sure about U of O). I was told that depending on PSAT scores and GPA I could receive a full scholarship to UNM. I am a resident of the state of Oregon and have a 4.0 GPA. I am also debating about whether to complete International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme or an early college-high school in Junior and Senior year. What kind of U of O scholarships would I be applicable for?

Who origly sang...?

Someday We'll Know" is a song by the New Radicals. Released on July 20, 1999, it was the second single off their album Maybe You've Been Brainwashed Too and the follow-up to the smash "You Get What You Give".

How do you sharpen a knife?

Do you know anything I could use to sharpen a knife without having to get out and buy a knife sharpner or some other tool?

Ive lost a pandora charm how can i find it?!?! I think its in my room...?

...but my room's a little messy.I have cleared the area it might be in though. I think it has fallen off the bracelet when the stand that i keep it on fell on the floor. I have quite a thick carpet and it hasnt been hoovered up. Im really worried cos it was quite expensive and my mum wants me to find it. Please just any random tips for me to find it or things that you do when you look for stuff. Thanks xx

Can racists become non-racist?

We are all products of our environment and I think yes they can. Bad experiences is what makes someone racist. But if they were to meet someone of the other race and they do good things for them or set an example that the other race is just a skin color then people can start looking at things different. Although some people are just too stubborn too.

Is it fair/just/proper for the "secular" Indian and Bengal governments to deny adequate protection to Taslima?

Why should they .first of all Taslima doesn't knows her own believe .She is only tyring to get popularity by staying in India. the religious party politicians taking as issue for political benefit .Don't be fooled by Taslima and dirty politicians.She nothing for Indians.

Recommend any good movies portraying women in society?

Im doing an english ignment and i was wondering whether anyone has any good movie recommendations? its has to do with the role of woman in society in different cultures. So far im studying pride and prejudice, a thousand splendid suns, prelude katherine mansfield. Now i just need a movie portraying the same ideas. Any help would be extremely appreciated!

Leeds and dave bet?

duz anybody else think hes already outstayed his time at our beloved club weve now lost more games with him on board than we have all season..sort it out

C programming by dennis ritchie?

I want dennis ritchie c programming notes of pdf format, where can i search .I searched in torrent but most of file is corrupted not opening

I need to lose weight, please help?

I am a teenager and I need to loose weight for a cruise in december.I know i won't be able to enjoy myself if I am worried about how I look. I can't take and dietary suppliment and I only have access to the gym every two weeks but I can only go for 5 days during that time for 20 minutes and I need help. food is my comfort and it is hurting me more than helping me.

Nvidia 9800GT, causes blue screen, crashes when driver installed any fixes?

Basically, my 9800GT causes a blue screen of death when I install the driver for it, I'm getting the latest driver for it off the nvidia website. I've had this problem since I've gotten this card, the only fix I've been able to find was to use an older nvidia driver, i spent 3 weeks looking for it about 6 months ago, but I now have a new hard drive and need to find it again, it was a bundled nvidia pack-type program/driver, or if anyone could just generally help to get the latest drivers to work, I noticed that it may also have something to do with my sound blaster card interfering with it because it doesn't go to BSOD as fast when the sound card driver isn't installed.

Why are people so cruel?

Hamster pie?! Now that's offensive. If my lovebird Elphaba died I would cry. It takes a cruel person to do such a thing! Those are the cruel people who end up in prison for animal abuse! Your right, disgusting.

Need some names of awesome musics please.. but this is not just any kind of music..?

Well you see. For drama, we are looking at the greek gods. And for every god, there was some amazing music. For Ares, there was this BEAUTIFUL battle sort of music, for Aphrodite, there was this seducing, but mysterious music... and so on. I need to know what these pieces of music are.. i love this kind of stuff. I could ask who played it yes, but i want to listen to some now. What are names of songs that sound so magical and mysterious, and are so dramatic? :3 Thank you for your time. <3


In the last story in story mode, i have to beat (note their all at lvl110) kuja, grabranth, jecht, and ultimecia. Once I beat them i have to defeat a lvl 110 CHAOS with the left over health I had from the last fight. I definetly can't beat him with Sephiroth, Firion, warrior of light, Tidus, that little midget, kuja, bartz, zidane, the emperor, or that guy who is the warrior of light's enemy. He's to hard. even the people im best with I cant beat him with and of course their at lvl100. Someone hlp.

Help with starting out with Wicca?

Wiccans in the Southern Hemisphere cast their circles in the opposite direction (widdershins), and they reorganize the Elements to fit the pattern you've stated.

Why Liverpool owner don't want to sale the club?

who knows why the Liverpool owner don't want to sale the club to the buyer like DIC,Kuwait and Indian billionaire

Does anyone know any non-fiction books about time travel?

Don't know any particular books but if you search Albert Einstein and time travel you should get something.

Confused relationship. Was I stupid doing this?

i think that she really likes you but she just cant shake that other guy. act the way you normally do. she'll see that she really does like you. and tell your friend to tell her what he thinks about her

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Is it just me, or was Jesus a socialist?

"Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven." Matthew 19:21

Are high school sports necessary to get into college?

I am considering trying out for JV soccer at my school, but I don't know if it will help me for college. I don't plan on playing any sports in college nor pursuing a career in athletics.

Pigeon stuck up the chimney?

If the bird starts flying around in the house, darken the house as much as possible by closing blinds and curtains. Try to contain the bird in one room. Try throwing a sheet over it to catch it. Might take a few people to accomplish this. Good luck!

Custom pc companys?

To get the best deal from a pc company go with dell. If you want a gaming pc and you ABSOLUTELY cant build it yourself I would recommend alien ware, ibuypower, or velocitymicro.

How can I write to the stars of the Fox TV Show, "Terminator:The Sarah Connor Chronicles" ? ?

Fox's website says they have no information on how to write to any of their shows. I could write to the Terminator studio, if I knew what that was. Thanks!

What do recurring dream characters represent?

During the time of this dream were you at a cross road in your life or were you going through a tough period / Because its like a angel who was there to help you in this time of need

Do we thrive on the Media circus?

I have a debate on Tuesday, on the topic "We thrive on the Media circus" and I am on the affirmative side. I need some arguments, or examples of news channels or newspapers overdoing an incident. The examples I have now are the OJ Simpson trial, or Paris Hilton getting arrested. I also need to know why it is we thrive on the media circus, why do you think we do?

I can't stop crying.?

Why am I such a loser?I'm 13 and "that shy girl every takes f*** advantage of." Even teachers. My best friend in the whole world has these two other friends who during recess always talks to and they ALWAYS IGNORE ME.I try and talk but it's like they never hear me. I kept trying to tell my friend something but she ignored me and the three of them walked behind me. They looked like they were meant to best friends. I feel like they basically stole her from me. Because Im shy. I have five really good friends but she was like my sister. this happens alot and she's never mad at me and i doubt she realizes how much it;s really hurting me to the point where I have tears leaking out of my eyes in cl while i wear that stupid grin that covers how sad i am. i also have these two girls in my gym cl who purposely mess with me like pushing me. they say it's just for a joke and they love me but i doubt it. right now i feel like im always in the way and all i can do is cry my eyes out. i want to change and actually be proud of the girl i see in the mirror. im not trying to dramatic im really crying here.

Does she hate or or what?!?

So she looks at me somewhat and she sits 2 seats to the left of me but we sit at the same table.. everytime the dude leaves in the middle to do something she would either put her hand on her face or look away or fix her hair? haha what? & later she be looking at me to. BUT i dont like she likes me maybe she finds me attractive or just thinks im a weirdo? oh and before this cl like last year our lockers were close and she would look at me while walkin but i thought she thinks im a weirdo!

How can tie keep being denied an afl team?

tasmania has a population large enough to support 1 team especially if south australia can support 2 . tasmania defeated all south australia and western auttralia in ll grades in the 50,s and 60,s and still produces many talented players. if the government and the people are willing to back a team in tie why wont the afl. surely this is in the best interests of a game that claims to be national

Atheists, can you please help me? Can 86% of the world's population be religious? I need help to refute this?

I've just read a claim by a minority religious denomination that 'a recent survey found that 86% of the world's population profess some form of religious affiliation'. No source was quoted. I need access to hard, cold facts to refute this allegation. Otherwise they're going to be spouting this stuff to about 7 million people on Sunday! Help!

Why is Tracy McGreedy so overrated?

It is a fact that he has never gotten past the first round of the playoffs. He was made by his cousin Vince Carter the greatest dunker of all time. Yao is the one who carries the team while McGreedy gets injured and gets greedy.

About the cost of repair for a ford fiesta that collided with a divider in india!!!?

hey people,i am in the usa at present(doing my masters in mech engineering),back in india last year i was driving my frnds ford fiesta and was doing 70kmph on the highway and due to oversteering it skid and hit the divider(driver side) no injuries for ny one in the car,but the car was hurt,i would'nt say badly. from inspection all i could see was that the engine was'nt transmitting ny power to the front wheel on the right,and when i bent down and saw the axle was broken,the bumper had a crack and that was all.we called the tow vehicle and pulled it to the garage,i said it was my fault and i would pay for it.( i umed it wud be hardly around 20k at the max) and now my frnd says the engine is spoiled,the rear axles are'nt good,the doors have a dent and all and he says its1,60,000 for the repair.and the so called mechanic says its useless(in my frnds words)it wouldnt sell out for half the price also.is there a probability that it can be true for the kind of collision the car had????

What should I wear to my boyfriends band banquet?(boys only)?

I am going to my boyfriends band banquet tonight. His parents will also be there and I am going to have to sit with them. If u were in this situation as a guy what would you want your girlfriend to wear to your banquet? Thankk youu soo much, I am really nervous about the whole parents thing.

What were the criteria that European Union officials used in once placing the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland,?

What were the criteria that European Union officials used in once placing the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovenia on the “fast track” for admission to the EU?

Mucus in the back of my throat?

I've had mucus in the back of my throat now for 3 days. I've read loads of stuff on how to get rid of it like lots of water, inhaling steam etc, but it's still there. I've now got a really bad sore throat and it's especially bad at night because i'm thinking about it more. I don't have any allergies or bronchitis. Is there a way to get rid of it, preferably at home right now, that most definitely works?

Some legal advice please. UK only?

No you cannot sue for slander...i know its tough but try to move on. If they published this in a newspaper and you could prove it was a lie then you could sue.

Red Dead Redemption Question?

Who really felt sad when John Marston was gunned down at the ending of Red Dead Redemption? I for one felt really sad and kind of pissed at the US Army and Edgar Ross when they betrayed him and his family.

Free printable songs for flute!?

Please keep in mind that you can download only copyright-FREE sheet music for free, otherwise please either buy the sheet music or borrow it from the library! Most, if not all, public domain/copyright-free music belongs to the CLICAL music category (Bach, Mozart, etc.).

How did Heath Ledger die?

I was very shocked to find out about his death a few months back. And since then my family and I have tired to find out how. We know it was from an overdose,but what we don't know is, was it intentional? or accidental? And what kind of pills were they? If anyone knows the whole story, we would appreciate it! Thank You ever so much!

I found out she doesn't want to be around me +10 points for helping me?

I would just give up on her and move on with your life. If you are still in school you still have a lot of years in front of you and there is that special someone out there. Good luck and dont give up on yourself and gain self confidence in yourself

Would this scare anyone? Am I crazy for doing this?

29 y/o...Just quit my job of over 10 years. Just walked out and never went back. It was literally like the movie "Office Space" except that it was retail. I've always been the model employee other than the past year or so. I did everything I could short of breaking the law to at least get reprimanded, but to no avail. I was insubordinate, late, even didn't show up a few times, and I was a total ****** to the whole management staff. No one ever said a word to me. Even got a awesome annual eval. WTF? This job was literally making me feel old at 29, and the pay definitely wasn't worth the stress. The stress all caused by other people being lazy and not doing their jobs correctly I might add. So I quit, and in the fall I plan on going back to school after more than 10 years. I feel a little apprehension at the thought of going back to school, but at the same time I feel completely liberated. Am I crazy?